Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas indulgences: Two Bratty Bonita Laptop Bags!!

I promise to be very good... to myself this Christmas season.

I recently got myself a spunky new HP 12 megapixel touchscreen camera and now I've got my eyes on a Bratty Bonita Laptop Bag. Although I'd much want to get them all, they have an assortment of styles and colors and sizes, I must settle for just one, at least for now.

Bratty Bonita Laptop Bags has a facebook account, a multiply account, a twitter account, an email account for inquiries and made to order laptop bags and a very nice red snake skin Specialist laptop bag which is on sale this Christmas!

Phew, now that's one too many links in one breath, but whatever, you have to see their stuff to know why I'm frothing in the mouth and wanting to get one ASAP.

I've already ordered for the red snake skin kick ass Specialist laptop bag, so I'm not going to rave about that, not till I get my hands on it. For now, let me fantasize over one of their other designs that I want to get for my birthday, which is happening in January 21 thankyouverymuch!

The beauty I hope to get as a gift (hint hint) for my birthday is a lovely mint green croc Michaela laptop bag, see photo and drool ^_^

It's tough and got it's own shape so it's perfect for trotting around in the mall or commuting with. No nosy elbows (pun?) to hurt a tiny fragile netbook.

Also, it doesn't look like a dorky hi-im-a-laptop-bag-steal-me-now ensemble right? For my job this is very important. I get to do my ocular inspections and my out of office work assignments with peace of mind. If you've read my older blog, you'll know I once lost a Macbook to a thief and I'm not letting that happen ever again. Needless to say during the time the Macbook got stolen, I was using a dorky, black laptop bag. Never again!

Inside are compartments for the laptop and everything else. whee, I have to sheepishly smile. I'm a pack rat and my bags are usually a case for Niecy Nash to clean up (Who want's a clean Bag?) so having a bag with neat compartments should help me organize my life better. Tiny netbook, one or two notebooks and a trade paperback plus my pens would fit quite nicely in a Michaela.

As for the color, I've been wondering why I fell in love with mint green, the red Specialist was clear enough since there are only two colors I love and that is red and black, but this green one, well, it simply sends me a message to calm down, pull back and relax. Exactly what I need during stressful, long and tiresome meetings! Hah! Bring 'em on!

So there, I await my first Brartty Bonita laptop bag and hopefully get another one in time for my birthday.

I might have something made to order too. Try to exercise the creative muscles a bit.

If you love Bratty Bonita or would want to check them out, just click in the myriad links I have early on in this post. I hope you get one too and let's all get together in a mall: The First Ever Bratty Bonita Flash Mob! ;)

Watch out for my next post about my red snakeskin Specialist from BB. Gotta love!



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