Saturday, February 12, 2011

Getting and giving head.

I've neglected my blogs for quite a bit. The holidays have been filled, not with parties, but with work.

For a time I have been thinking of leaving advertising and perhaps working as a cashier at the MRT; move from mind racking to mind numbing. Finally find the time to sleep, the time to run in the mornings, the time to pull back and breathe and see myself in action, recently when I try, I see a blur, a woman always in a hurry, surprisingly spritely even when the pounds obviously have filled her up from hours and hours of sitting in front of the computer and living on fried and sauced office birthday food.

But perhaps all the holding on paid up. I started as a junior copywriter whose clothes and hairstyle were always the salty cheddar on every discussion. Who signed up to sing with the office band and had to back out at the last minute because she found out that she sucked at singing. Who was nominated by her boss to join a creative competition in Boracay and lost big time, again a disappointment. They put me from probationary to a regular employee but after I year of fashion faux pas and writing wreckage, I up and left.

Then once again I found my way to another ad agency. Became a senior copywriter. Went from snail's pace writing to lighting speed. Left the office when everyone else had to leave, plopped into the nearest Burger King, plugged in my laptop and went to work again until I had to go back to the office the following morning. I worked on spiels, concepts, pitches, video presentations, scripts, songs all on my own, I was super, I felt super and definitely I felt spent, tired, sleepless, underpaid, overused.

But all that drama perhaps has finally, thank Garp, paid off. Creative Head. Not bad for a 26 year old.

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